Review: Martin Miller’s London Dry Gin

by Will on May 24, 2011

I received a bottle of this gin as a birthday present from our friend Sue (thanks, Sue!). I had never heard anything of the brand, positive or negative, so I was completely unsure what to expect.

This gin has  a fragrant, foresty nose, full of juniper. It reminded me on first sniff of the familiar smell of Tanqueray. It’s aromatic quality would seem to make this gin a natural choice for dry martinis.

However, it was a hot evening here in Oakland, and we were in the market for more a refreshing, thirst-quenching drink. It’s hard to go wrong with a gin and tonic, and it’s usually a bad sign when a gin doesn’t work in that most venerable of gin cocktails (though not always! See Hendricks).

Given the scent of the gin, and the “London Dry” appellation, I was expecting a conventional flavor, a la Beefeater. However, Jen and I both found Miller’s to be uniquely tasty. It has a strong suggestion of cucumber that combines quite pleasantly with the tonic, and which adds to the drink’s coolness.

I give this gin four stars. Cheers!

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Mary Ann October 4, 2011 at 12:26 pm

Hey, Will – this is a fun site!
now try OUR fav summer g&t – no lime – add a big chunk of CUCUMEBER – peel and all!
extremely refreshing, and, yes, addicting!


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