sparkling clementine beverage

The Rum-Sparkling-Orange-Disaster

by Jen on September 30, 2011

Maybe I shouldn’t call this drink a disaster. I’m not much of a rum fan, so it was unlikely that I’d like it from the get go. But I’ve been hanging out with some new friends who prefer rum, so I decided to give it a go.

We acquired some Meyer’s Dark Rum awhile ago to provide to those friends of ours who prefer rum. I have very fond memories of Meyer’s Dark Rum, as it was the bottle that was dark enough for me to steal out of without Mom and Dad’s noticing back when I was in high school. I’m pretty sure I filled it back up with water. Luckily for me, Mom and Dad weren’t rum fans either, so it went unnoticed (or so I believe…).

My friend Brian suggested that Meyer’s Dark Rum and orange juice is a classic cocktail. We didn’t have orange juice, but we did have some of Trader Joe’s Sparkling Clementine beverage. I love that beverage. It’s great with champagne for a twist on the mimosa.

So we gave it a try. I poured an ounce of Meyer’s Dark Rum over ice and added Sparkling Clementine beverage to fill the glass (probably a 3 to 1 ratio). My compatriots Aimee and Brian — the rum fans — raved, but I choked it down out of polite necessity.

Rum fans, have at it. The rest of us will keep our Meyer’s in the pantry for teenage girls to smuggle.

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